

Onward and upward


Today we headed to school. Our parents, along with our aunts and uncles, were helping us get situated. Starting over felt weird. So much has happened since we graduated. I didn’t think I would ever feel like myself again. Then Michael came. I was still cautious about us.

I had been so enamored and in love with Daniel. His death left a big void in my life. How do you allow yourself to love someone? In the back of your mind, there’s a chance it could end at any moment. That question lurked in my mind.

We drove to the college, which was three hours from our home. When we pulled into the town, it was different. Dad drove us by the college, and I looked at Saintwood College. That was an unusual name.

We made our way to our prospective houses. The Bobbsey twins were staying with us. Wasn’t that special?