

Conspiring at its best


You know how, when you have these genes running through your body, you ignore thoughts. Yeah, we didn’t. Only because we’re Grays, and Larkin is a being twit.

I love my sister, but she’s a twit. Yes, Maverick shoved her head in the mud because she said something sarcastic to him. From what Lex told us, he explained what happened. Let me backtrack to what he told us.

Flashback: eight years ago


Lyric and Luna went to Cedar Point while the three of us stayed home. Lex wasn’t big on roller coasters, and Lakin and I didn’t want to go.

We hung out with Piper to find out her cousins were visiting, who is Major and Maverick. Piper said Major is fourteen, and Maverick is thirteen. Okay, no big deal. I didn’t come to see them, but Piper.

We were outside playing when we heard voices yell. I turned to see a boy come out of the back patio door. He was adorable.