

Getting back to it


We returned to school after Nash had a long talk with me about Lyric. They didn’t mind if we got married but wanted us to finish school. I agreed.

When we returned, we also continued living in separate houses until we got married. It didn’t mean there wouldn’t be sleepovers.

Major came inside, walked into the living room, and took a seat as we were hanging out at my house.

/"I’ll take a random guess and say you don’t seem thrilled at the moment,/" I said.

/"I would if Luna would understand I’m taking things slow instead of her trying to get into my pants./"

/"And how is that a problem?/"

He gave me a look but didn’t answer the question. I knew why because Lyric was here.

/"It’s not important. I should keep my distance for a while./" Major sighed.

/"Do you want to do that?/"

/"No, but Michael, you know how much this means to me./"