

Beach party


We gathered our stuff for a beach party. I didn’t want to wear a swimsuit, so I dressed in an airy dress. All I wanted to do was have fun. It had been a while since I could enjoy myself.

We made our way to the beach, where more people had gathered. Maverick and I got out of the car and walked towards people, stopping to talk to a few.

/"Well, well, well, look who showed up to the party,/" Clay said.

/"Do you want to go another round with Maverick?/" Glen asked.

/"Do you think I care? He attacked me, and now I’ll return the favor./" He smirked.

/"You realize his family along with the Grays are here, don’t you?/" Rob asked him.

/"I’m not afraid of them. What is everyone going to do, anyway?/" He shrugged.

/"Beat the hell out of you,/" Glen said.