



I laid there on Marshall’s bed, feeling numb. I know this because I’m learning it. I also know what to do when things like this happen, yet I did the opposite.

I didn’t want to see anyone but knew I needed someone. I couldn’t right now. While I laid there, staring at the wall, I heard voices. I didn’t get up to see who it was.

Nixon and the others walked in. /"Where is he?/" Nixon asked.

/"Upstairs,/" Kain said, pointing to the second floor.

/"Stay here./" He came upstairs, knocked, but I didn’t answer. Then he opened the door, entered, and closed the door.



/"Talk to me./"

/"What’s there to say? I deserve this./" I stared at the wall.

Nixon furrowed his brows. /"Why on earth would you think you deserve this?/"

I faced him. /"Because I do./"