

Things are getting out of hand


After spring break, we returned to school and started our next semester. In two months, we would finish up our sophomore year. Well, my siblings would. I had to take summer courses, drat. Thank God for online classes.

We still had to deal with Derek Crandall and his tool ways. That dude needs to get laid or a whack upside the head. My choice would be the second way.

Who the hell cares who someone loves? The heart wants what the heart wants. My heart wanted Maverick. Does that make sense to you? Because it sure makes little sense to me.

Anyway, I’m getting off-topic. At the same time, we're trying to get through our finals to head home and deal with Ma and Dad’s unholiness. Yes, they're still unholy. Derek put his plan in action with what he had in store for anyone who was gay, starting with Clay.


3rd person

/"Hold him still,/" Derek said.