



After that night, there was a somber tone with everyone. Lakin was angry, which was understandable. None of us wanted to leave until we found out if Mia would wake up. Michael stayed with her every single day, as did Lakin.

The doctors said until she wakes up, we wouldn’t know how much damage Derek inflicted. That’s if she wakes up. God, let her wake up.

Anger has a funny way of doing more harm than good. It doesn’t do anything for anyone. I know. After what Roger did, I let anger control me.

Nixon was right. We needed Dad and not his anger, but him. He knew that too but wouldn’t admit Nixon was right.

Things were tense but didn’t stay that way once Ma arrived, along with Nana, knocking some sense into him. Yeah, never piss off a Gray woman. It never ends well.