

Returning to school


We returned to school, and they made adjustments for Mia. She needed special attention to help her with her schoolwork. She could still do the work but needed guidance, which Michael took care of for her.

I showed her around to ease her mind. I didn’t want her scared or anyone to mess with her. Plus, I figured we could stop by to see Uncle Nathan since he was getting the boys settled with Noah.

After our excursion, we visited Nathan.

I walked in. /"Is anyone home?/" I asked.

/"Yeah, I’ll be right there!/" Marshall said.

I coaxed Mia in as they came to greet us.

She saw Nathan, and her face lit up. /"Hi, Nathan!/"

/"Hi, Mia./" He smiled.

She ran and hugged Nathan.

/"How are you doing, sweetheart?/"

She let go of him. /"I’m okay. Scared./" She shrugged.

/"It’s okay, but Lakin will help you./"