

Ice cream always makes you feel better


I walked with Major to this ice cream parlor in town. I was still iffy with him because I didn’t want to get my hopes up, only to have them dashed again.

We walked into the place and ordered ice cream, then found a seat at a table. As we sat there eating our ice cream, I enjoyed my frozen treat.

/"So, about that date?/"

I stopped mid-bite, not sure what to think.

/"I thought we could have dinner and see a movie./"


/"Hear me out, Luna. The reason it didn’t work before was that it happened so fast, and it scared me./"

I furrowed my brows.

/"I mean, you wanted so much that I didn’t know how to handle it./"

My anger was bubbling to the surface.

/"But this time can be better, don’t you think?/"

I frowned at him, and that’s when I decided that was it.

/"What do you think?/"

/"What do I think?/"

/"Well, yeah./"