



I took things slowly with Mia, so our relationship wouldn’t scare her. As a result, she was doing better and not so childlike. Would she ever be one hundred percent? No, but it’s close enough.

Suffering a brain injury affects your brain in separate ways. We were learning that as we helped Mia. She needed help with her classes as we worked with her, and so did others.

She was becoming curious about bodies and me. So, every time we were alone, we would kiss for a bit, and I would stop, leaving her frustrated. I didn’t want to overwhelm her.

Finally, one day, I relented.

We kissed when her hand moved and realized what she was doing, so I showed her. I stopped her as she furrowed her brows at me. Then I undid my shirt, removing it. She stared at me as I sat there in my bra. I unclasped it, revealing my chest to her.

/"I understand you’re curious, and it’s okay./"