

Christmas time with the Grays


Major helped me. I couldn’t apologize enough to him, but he told me it’s what you do when you love someone. My guilt wasn’t helping.

My family started talking to me again, but there was still an iciness when they spoke to me. I didn’t blame them. Falling down the stairs was an accident and my fault. I was stubborn, and because of it, I got hurt.

We were going home for Christmas, even though it would be tense. When we arrived, I was right. Even though my parents welcomed me home, they had a polite demeanor.

I apologized, and it’s met with indifference. Even my siblings went about their business, leaving me to deal with my guilt.

I stayed in my room. Since I was dealing with a broken leg and arm, I did things on my own. When I went down to the kitchen, my parents watched me. They spoke a few words to me, but that was it.