

Happy 95 birthday, Lucille, aka Grammy Gray


Today was Grammy’s ninety-fifth birthday. Everyone came in for it. I met cousins I had never met before in my life. It was weird seeing everyone here. Even Uncle Marco, Uncle Jasper, and a guy named Paul came.

I couldn’t believe how big our family was. As we all socialized with everyone, Grammy came out, and we all stopped.

/"Well, it’s nice to know that you haven’t forgotten about me,/" she said.

/"How could we forget about you, Ma?/" Cayson asked her.

/"Well, gee, I don’t know you twit, considering you and your brother dumped me here. Some sons you are!/" Damn, Grammy was savage. /"Now, my boys better hug me./"

They walked over and hugged her.

She smiled. /"You boys are important to me. I love you more than life, even though you act like schmucks./"

Grampa rolled his eyes as he shook his head as Jonas and Cayson did the same thing.