

Larkin and Maverick Harper


/"Lark? Why aren’t you dressed?/" Dad asked.

/"Because I’m hungry, duh./" She rolled her eyes as she ate.

Dad took her food from her and pointed to the upstairs. /"March!/"

/"Fine./" She went upstairs to get dressed.

You would think my sister would be busy getting ready since she’s getting married today. But, not, Larkin, she would rather eat.

Ma and my sisters helped her get dressed, so we could get to Grampa and Nana’s house on time since we’re having her wedding there.

After wrangling her into her dress and doing her hair, she finally got ready. Finally, the rest of us were ready for the wedding.

We left and drove over to our grandparents’ house. The minute we walked in, everyone talked at once.

/"Hey!/" Dad said to get everyone’s attention.

Everyone stopped talking.

/"What took you so long?/" Grampa asked.