

Heading to Myrtle Beach


We arrived at Myrtle Beach and made our way to the beach house. After we arrived, Lakin and Mia greeted us. We brought in our bags and took them to our rooms. Dad and Ma hired someone to get everything ready for tomorrow.

We were all staying two weeks before heading back home. Then it would be two weeks before Lyric’s wedding.

Once we all got settled, we had a barbeque and relaxed. The cousins played a game of volleyball while the adults talked. My sisters and Piper were hanging out together.

I took a walk. Sometimes, we need time to ourselves. I walked along the shoreline as the water hit my feet. Then, I turned and looked at the ocean as waves rippled through it. It had a calming effect on me.

/"Don’t tell me you’re running off. You’re not married yet,/" Kain said, walking over to me with Kaiden.