

Everything changes, and family matters


We arrived at the church and got out of the limo. We made our way inside as everyone took their place. Grampa and our uncles greeted incoming guests, except for Nixon. He was preparing for the ceremony.

Once everyone sat, Michael took his place with Major, Maverick, Mia, and me. Uncle Noah collected Ma and walked her down the aisle. Then my sisters, along with Piper, got into formation. They made their way down the aisle, then Dad and Lyric appeared at the back. Everyone stood as they walked down the aisle.

They made their way to the front as we all watched Lyric. Lyric seemed so happy. I was glad. When they reached the front, Dad handed her off to Michael.

They turned to face Nixon.

/"Dearly beloved. I gather us to say, thank God. These two finally have their chance,/" Nixon said.

/"Aww, memories./" Gema sniffled as Caleb rolled his eyes.