

The heart leads the way


I woke up from my nap. I didn’t know what any of this meant. Everything has been emotional for me in the past few days. I needed a break and took a walk.

/"Lex?/" Nash stopped me. /"Where are you going?/"

/"I thought I would take a walk./"

/"Mind if I join you?/"

I stared at him.

/"Since you remember nothing, you don’t remember the neighborhood./"

I had to agree with him. I didn’t know where anything was. /"Okay./"

We left the house and walked. I needed fresh air and not to get stuck in an unfamiliar place. Nash didn’t say much. It was nice to have peace.

As we walked, I tried to think about things, and all I could think about was when I woke up from the hospital. Everything else was blank.

/"It’s weird./"

/"What is?/"

/"For having lived most of my life here, nothing looks the same, but it’s familiar./" I sighed.