

Getting to know you


Wanting to do things for myself, I entered the address of the bakery on my phone. Until I became better familiar with places, this was the best idea I could come up with to help myself. I didn’t want to rely on my ma and dad to cart me everywhere.

I walked to the bakery since I didn’t remember how to drive. It was the best thing I could do. Dad said he would teach me again. I wanted to become familiar with my surroundings again.

I walked into the bakery and towards the kitchen. Piper was already there, mixing ingredients.

/"Hi,/" I said.

/"Hey, Lex. Ready to do some baking?/"


She handed me an apron, and I put it on. Then, she guided me on what to do. I enjoyed doing something other than sitting home and staring at unfamiliar surroundings.

After baking for a while, we took a break to eat.

/"That was fun today,/" she said in between bites of her sandwich.