

Planning a winter wedding


Right after Thanksgiving, everyone got together and planned our wedding. We had only a month to make sure everything was ready. The entire family put together a wedding with Grammy orchestrating it.

They were quick about it. Most people would say we were rushing. If they look at our history, Piper and I had known each other since we were toddlers. We started dating when we were seniors in high school. We got engaged before our senior year in college. Then the accident happened.

I didn’t remember any of it. My family told me. All the memories I had of our life together vanished with a snap of the fingers. All I could do at this point was to make fresh ones.

/"Lex?/" Dad asked, breaking me from my thoughts. /"You look lost, son./"

/"It feels like it. I don’t mean it that way. I should have all these amazing memories of Piper and me, but only have a few./" I sighed.