

Family problems


When you’re home chasing little ones, and your spouse works full time, finding any /"alone/" time is impossible, but you manage. We did the best we could. Sometimes, you forget a crucial detail. For us, that would be a raincoat. Not once, but a few times. Who was I kidding? It happened a lot.

The boys were thriving, and more babies were arriving in the family. Our cousins were getting married and having little ones of their own. They made grandfathers out of the brothers. Even Kain got married, and his wife was expecting a baby while Kaiden had issues meeting someone.

It’s not that he didn’t, but he met someone and found out that the person wasn’t his Prince Charming. I suspected but had no proof until Dad called me. He explained about Kain. We had gone to take care of Kain, who was a mess, as was their family.

It wasn’t until I received a frantic call from Kain in the middle of the night.