



Thanks to our meddling and Payton’s enormous mouth, Kaiden finally took a leap of faith and went out with Greg. It was nice to see Kaiden happy, and Greg contributed to that happiness. But, they took it slowly to see how it went. I couldn’t blame Kaiden after what he went through, but Greg was nothing like Mitch. Thank God.

The boys were thriving when they weren’t trying to kill each other. Piper and I talked. As soon as Presley went to school, I was going back to work. I couldn’t wait. I love my boys, but I needed a break.

As they got older, Presley started school, and I returned to the bakery. It was nice to get back into the swing of things again. Plus, if I had to watch one more kid’s show, I would rip out my hair. Between those annoying shows and the boys getting into trouble, I needed a break, big time.