

Patton and Paxton Gray: Demon twins from hell


While I was dealing with my folks, the demon twins were getting into trouble of their own. In the form of dealing with Shaun, except Shaun spouted off at the mouth. The twins took exception as they dropped him.

/"That was quick. You beat your time from the last time,/" Kaxon responded as he looked at his watch.

/"We like to improve our skills and quickness,/" Patton shrugged.

/"He’s like his brother. A little bitch,/" Paxton said as he leaned over Shaun.

/"Gray one and Gray two, principal’s office now!/" A teacher barked.

/"Listen, cheese dick, we have a damn name,/" Patton snapped back.

/"March!/" The teacher ordered them. They rolled their eyes, walking towards the principal’s office.

/"How much you want to bet the folks will wait for us?/" Paxton asked Patton.

As he was about to reply, they came upon our parents in the office with Selena and me.