

Can we talk?


I knew pops would kick my ass if he found out I’m skipping school, but I needed to talk to someone. I called the person, and they agreed to meet me at a local diner.

I made my way there and walked in, finding the person sitting in a booth, waiting for me. I walked over and took a seat as they looked at me.

/"Hey, Pax, what’s up?/" The person asked me.

/"Hey, Uncle Noah,/" I greeted him as he looked at me.

/"I would ask why you aren’t in school, but I figure it was pretty important. What’s up?/" Noah questioned.

/"I’ve been thinking a lot about things and...…,/" my voice trailed off.

/"And what?/" He looked at me as I took a deep breath.

/"I’m gay,/" I confessed as he looked at me with concern. /"I mean, my brothers all like girls, but I find myself more attracted to guys. Is there something wrong with me?/" I looked at him with worry.

/"Not at all,/" he assured me.