

A new understanding


As I stayed with Selena, we reached a new understanding. She didn’t jump to conclusions, and I didn’t feel the need to buy her a trampoline. Although my parents weren’t exactly ecstatic to find out we missed school. They were even more upset to find out the reason for missing school.

My brothers wanted to take matters into their own hands, but I had plans of my own. I would take care of Shaun in my own time, but first, I took care of Selena.

I had the demon spawn stay with her while I ran a few errands. I picked up some unique items for her while she took it easy.

Entering the grocery store, I grabbed a handbasket. I picked up some ibuprofen, ice cream, some chick flicks, and anything else that would make a chick happy. I also ran into Josie while I was there.

/"Hey, Parker,/" she greeted me.

/"Hey Josie,/" I greeted her back.