

Work For It


Classes started, and I went to the library to read a book for English. Yes, I know. I changed my appearance, but I still enjoyed school. People thought I was weird, but it didn’t matter. I have plans for my future.

I found a table away from everyone so I could read in peace. As I sat there and read, someone joined me. When I mean someone, I mean Payton. I looked at him as he sat across from me, smiling.

I held my book up and asked, /"Can I help you?/"

/"Nope, I came to do some reading,/" he answered.

I lowered my book and gave him a /"are you crazy/" look.

/"That’s funny because I’ve never seen you with a book,/" I remarked as Payton gave me an annoyed look.

/"Contrary to widespread belief, I know how to read and did very well in school,/" he said.