

Spring break


We arrived at a house and got out of the car. I was apprehensive about being here. I wasn’t ready to see Pax, but the brothers assured me it would be fine. I took my bag to my room, got settled, and then felt someone in the room with me. I turned around, startled to see Pax standing there. He stepped towards me, and I backed away until my back hit the wall.

I started crying as he reached for me and screamed, /"Don’t touch me!/" Pax moved him away as I slid down and curled up, crying. Payton and Parker ran into the room as others made it to my room.

/"I meant nothing. I wanted to hug Shaun,/" Pax said with furrowed brows as I hid my face.

Payton got up as Parker helped me.

/"It’s not you. Shaun has issues with anyone touching him. We should have told you,/" Payton told Pax as he looked at me. Then Pax left. I shouldn’t have to come because I’m not ready.
