

Christmas with the family


For Christmas, we brought Sam, Britt, and Nora Tilson, along with Shaun. Since our house is full, Sam, Britt, and Nora stayed with Nana and Grandpa. I didn’t know how that would go with my grandparents, considering their history with Britt’s family. I guess we will find out.

I took Britt and her siblings to my grandparent’s house, introducing them to everyone.

/"It’s nice to meet you,/" Grammy said. Britt and her siblings shook hands with everyone. /"Nash will show you to your rooms./"

Grandpa showed the others to their bedrooms as I watched.

/"Pat, they’ll be fine,/" Nana assured me.

/"I know you have a history with their family,/" I reminded Nana.

/"Yes, with their family, not them,/" Nana reasoned.

/"Patton, we knew the Tilsons for years. I went to school with their great-grandfather,/" Grampa mentioned.