



I put things into boxes as I packed. Someone knocked on my bedroom door as I looked at Dad. He walked into the bedroom.

/"Are you all set?/" Dad asked me.

/"Yep,/" I answered.

Dad looked at me. /"You will make David proud,/" Dad said.

/"I know. David is the reason I became a paramedic,/" I reasoned.

/"Are you sure you want to leave, honey? You can train close to home,/" Dad suggested.

I looked at my dad dressed in his paramedic uniform. /"I don’t want special treatment. If people knew the chief is my dad, they would treat me differently,/" I reasoned.

Dad nodded.

/"So, how are the recruits doing?/" I asked.

/"I have this probie that shows up late and can’t get it together. I’m reassigning the recruit to another firehouse,/" Dad answered.

/"You expect too much,/" I reasoned.

/"You sound like David,/" Dad reminded me.