

Starting over


After I picked up my schedule and books, I reported to the station. I hoped I got assigned to a different station. One, because Eliza trained here, and two, Chief Hayes hates me.

I made my way to his office and knocked on the door. The chief looked up from his desk.

/"Come in, Gray,/" the chief said.

I walked into the office and sat down in a seat across from his desk.

/"I heard about Eliza,/" the chief mentioned.

/"Yeah,/" I mumbled.

Chief Hayes leaned back in his chair and looked at me.

/"I won’t lie. I was transferring you out of this unit to a different one. Your performance was less than stellar last year. You arrived late, showed a lack of respect, and you’re sloppy. I don’t want that on my team,/" the chief told me.

I sighed.