

Revisiting the past


I called Kain and Kaiden, telling them both that I needed to talk to them. They wanted to know why, but I said it needed discussing in person. You don’t discuss a past situation like what happened to Kaiden over the phone.

Brody and I met Kaiden and Kain at a diner since neither of us ate yet. Ma and my wife would hurt me if I didn’t eat. The job doesn’t always give you a chance to eat, especially when working on a case.

I pulled into a diner, and we got out, making our way inside to see Frick and Frack sitting at a booth. We walked over, and I slid in next to Kain while Brody sat next to Kaiden. I ordered some food, as did Brody.

/"What is so important that you needed to speak to us in person?/" Kain asked as Kaiden looked at us.

/"It’s about Kaiden’s assault,/" I answered.

Kaiden furrowed his brows as Kain pressed his lips together.