

Here we come, Las Vegas, Part 2


I didn’t want to dwell on the past. I can’t change what happened, but I can move forward. Nash got over his hang-up or whatever he had.

I received a lecture about leaving the hotel alone and not telling anyone. Then we explored the sights. How old was I? Four?

We checked out the Red Rock Canyon. We had to ride pack mules down, along with a tour guide. Okay, whoever thought of this idea, needs to be shot. Have you ever ridden a pack mule? It sucks since they’re jackasses and are stubborn. Mine was one of the most stubborn ones out there. It reminded me of Nash.

/"Get going, you stupid mule!/"

My mule made this most annoying sound.

/"Oh, sure, make a joke./" Yeah, that was my dumbest idea. I climbed off the mule and walked the rest of the way to meet the others.