

What brings you to my neck of the woods?


After the night at the pub, I had one thing on my brain, and that was Paige Moore. I know, I know. I told myself I would avoid her evil womanly ways. Something about her screamed, don’t.

I needed a distraction. So, I went to the grocery store. Don’t ask me why since I have been working at a diner. This happens when you become stupid over a woman. You make bad choices like going to a store when you’re hungry. Don’t do it. It’s a trap.

I ended up buying a bunch of stuff I didn’t need because I was hungry.

/"Are you buying for an army?/" A voice asked.

I turned and saw Paige standing there, smiling. /"If you consider an army that likes junk food, sure, why not? What brings you to my neck of the woods?/"

/"I needed to pick up a few things./" She lifted her handbasket.

/"I see, and you prefer simple?/"

/"Simple is always better. A smart guy told me that over pie./"

/"Oh, he did, did he?/"

/"Yeah, and I’m wondering what other analogies he has. I find them quite intriguing./"

I thought about it. This would either make or break any chance I had with Paige. If she agreed, then we could continue. If not, it was time to toss her back. /"How do you feel about fishing?/"

/"I haven’t been fishing in years./"

/"So, you know how to fish?/" I arched my eyebrow.

/"Of course. My dad fished all the time. He even took me with him and explained how important it was to bait a hook, cast the line, and wait until you hook the fish before reeling it in. He said you needed plenty of patience./" A smile curled upon her lips as she moved closer to me.

I gripped the handle of the cart while in proximity to each other. It took everything I had not to kiss Paige.

/"Why do you ask?/"

/"I thought we could go fishing./"

/"Sounds promising. If we do, you’ll hook a fish, and it’ll be the right fish./" She smiled.

Well, damn. We aren’t talking about fish. I couldn’t help but smile.

/"Tomorrow, you can take me fishing and explain to me the proper techniques./"

/"You’re on, Paige Moore./"

She turned and waved. /"Bye, Mack./"

Wait a minute. Did Paige ask me out? Well, damn. That woman duped me. Psh, women. I told you they were evil.

I picked up a few things, checked out, and ran into Chad and Miguel.

/"Is there a reason you’re buying out the store?/" Chad asked me.

/"Is there a reason you’re taking your sweet as time with Kathy?/" I smirked.

/"You’re a real prick. Did you know that, Mack?/"

/"Well, you must be something, might as well be a prick,/" I said.

Miguel chuckled. /"Were you talking to Paige in the store?/"

/"Yeah, we’re going fishing tomorrow,/" I said, still trying to wrap my head around it.

/"Damn, she must like you if she’s subjecting herself to the most boring pastime ever./" Chad smirked.

/"Considering she asked me to take her, I would disagree. One day, you may have a child, and that child will be as boring as your personality,/" I said.

Chad rolled his eyes at me. I loved to wind Chad up. He was so easy to mess with, but he was also the guy that would have your back.

I left the store and made my way home. As I carried my bags, I whistled a tune until someone jumped me. It’s not someone, but Aaron and his buddies. Talk about a fair fight. Yeah, this wasn’t it.

I tried to defend myself, but three against one was an unfair fight. Those assholes beat the living hell out of me, causing me to drop my bags and items to break. Damn it.

Once they got done, Aaron delivered a swift kick to my head, knocking me out.



I came out of a bookstore to find someone lying on the ground with stuff scattered around them. What in the world? I walked over, and my face contorted into shock.


I checked him. He was breathing, but he was out of it. I pulled out my phone and made a call.

/"Mack, can you hear me?/" I heard a soft groan as I checked him over. /"Hang in there. I’m calling for help./" I stayed with him until Bob and Ian showed up.

They helped him up.

/"We need to get him to the hospital./" Ian held onto his one arm.

/"No hospitals,/" Mack mumbled.

Bob said, /"Okay, no hospitals./"

/"But he needs medical attention,/" I said.

/"Trust me, he is adamant about no hospitals,/" Bob said.

Bob and Ian helped Mack back to his place. I opened Mack’s apartment door with his keys as they carried him inside. I closed the door. They carried him over to the couch and lay him down.

Ian went into the bathroom, returned with a first aid kit, and cleaned him up. Good thing he’s taking premed. Ian took care of Mack’s wounds since Mack was out.

/"Someone needs to stay with him. I can’t because I got an early class,/" Ian said to Bob and me.

/"I’ll stay,/" I said.

/"Are you sure?/" Bob asked me.

/"Yeah, I don’t have classes tomorrow,/" I told them.

/"Okay, but call us if you need anything,/" Ian said to me.

/"I will./" I smiled.

They turned and walked away. I took a seat on the coffee table and looked at Mack. He was banged up. Who would do this to him? None of it made sense.

I set my stuff down, got up, and moved to a chair. I curled up in it and watched Mack. Something about Mack intrigued me, even though I didn’t like him at first. Who would when someone calls you by the wrong name?

I even teased him about it to get back at him. It wasn’t until we went to that diner that Mack piqued my interest. He didn’t put on a show but acted like himself. Whatever it was, I wanted to know more about what made Mack Bennett tick. Good thing I was studying to become a psychologist because I would need the training with him.