

Meant for someone else


Bella turned sixteen. With that age came teen angst—way more than I needed. Holy hell, these kids have teen angst.

My kid spent years mooning over Ty Harrison, even though they were friends. He couldn’t see her for the dust. I would love to beat the hell out of him, but Paige already warned me that she would smack me with a dead fish if I did. Women.

I found out Andy Pandy was dating a girl named Libby. Bummer. These kids know how to cheese me off. I had a bet on this, and they blew it all to hell. Then I found out they broke up. There might be hope for them yet. I doubt it.

Bella also learned how to drive. That was scary. She almost smacked a mailbox, another car, some poor dog. The list goes on and on.

She also developed this affinity for showers. Febreze is not a suitable alternative, and neither is a whole perfume counter. She and I need to talk about personal hygiene.