

Christmas with you and me


Christmas time was here, and so was Christmas vacation. Woohoo! This means sleeping in and being lazy. I thought it meant being lazy.

/"Ready?/" Dad asked Andrew.


/"On the count of three. One, two, three./"

Dad and Andrew grabbed my ankles and yanked me out of bed.

/"Oh, why?/" I groaned after landing on the floor with a thud.

Dad leaned over me with his hands on his legs. /"Because this is no time to lie around./"

I looked up at him. Dad shrugged and left the room. Andrew helped me up.

/"You know a simple good morning kiss would have worked,/" I said.

/"Yeah, but what fun would that be?/" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. He pulled me into a kiss.

/"Enough with the sucking face! Come and get breakfast!/" Dad yelled.