

Prom, graduation, and the end of senior year


After spring break, Brandon and I became closer. Dad questioned why we looked thrilled. Papa smacked him for being a dipwad. Dad isn’t happy about Brandon’s and mine relationship progressing.

Dad will survive even if he views Brandon differently. At least, I’m not pregnant. Dad didn’t think that was funny. Papa thought it was hysterical since he said it’s karma. I want to get through the rest of my senior year.

Prom came, and so did finals. We went to prom and danced. Afterward, Brandon and I snuck off to a hotel room. Did I mention Dad wasn’t happy about that? Yeah, that was a big deal.

Finals arrived, and studying was insane. I was so busy studying that I forgot to eat. My parents made sure that I ate. They didn’t want me to land back in the hospital with my eating disorder. I didn’t want to go back.