

/"What about the woman in my dreams?/" I asked Harper.

After we made out in the classroom till we were panting like dogs, Harper suggested we skip the rest of school. And what did I say? I said why the hell not.

Harper told me that he had it all covered and that my parents would never know about it. What can I say I was feeling adventurous?!

Low-key, though, this is what a bad influence looks like.

But I was too pumped up to care.

So, we got into Harper's car and drove straight to a diner half an hour away from school. We had pretty much the whole day to look forward to, because we had got out of school right after the second period.

We had just settled in one of the booths, which could offer us privacy so that we could easily talk about him being a wolf and everything else that came with it.

/"So, wolves live in packs./"

Harper nodded in response to my statement.