

The three of us climbed into Nat's car to get to school early in the morning. None of us really wanted to go to school because we had spent the night talking till the early hours of the morning, joking and having fun. But I had promised my Dad that I would go to school and I meant to keep my promise to him, much to the dismay of my friends.

I had borrowed a full sleeved silk blouse from Nat so that I could hide the ugly purple bruise. Seriously, how strong was Harper that he managed to leave such a bruise on me. Damn him to hell!

We hopped in Nat's car with Nat on the wheel, Sam in the passenger seat and me in the back. 'Closer' by The Chainsmokers was blasting on the radio. We still listened to the song, we loved it that much. We often put it on repeat on our sleepovers together and we had it on repeat for the fifteen minutes drive to school.