

Before I could lunge at him, a brown wolf tackles from the side and I lose my breath when I land against a heard tree. I growl and open my eyes to see the two brothers, Damon and Aaron standing in front of me, growling and snarling at me. Imagine hating your own sibling so much that you want to murder them!

I growl at them and they lunge at me from both sides, planning to ambush me from both sides. Aaron swiped at my legs while Damon went for my face. I twisted my body and lunged at Damon and faintly registered Aaron smashing in the tree behind me. me and Damon swipe some blows at each other before Aaron against joined the fight and Damon pushed me so hard, I went flying into the air. This was not working. I could easily handle both of them in a one-on-one fight but together, they worked like a well oiled machine. When one lunged at me, the other aimed to throw me off balance and made me lose my breath.