Jess come out of the bathroom with Matthew’s robe around her. It was extremely big on her, she had to roll up her sleeves at least three times and the bottom of the rob hung till the floor. Joshua was busy drying his hair while the other brothers stood around him, they were all talking seriously and softly. Jess entered the room and cleared her throat.
/"We have decided your rules have changed. You no longer need to be always without at least one of us anymore. Instead, we will give you some tasked that you need to complete, you understand?/" Raymond said and looked at Jess fidgeting with the robe’s sleeves. Jess nodded her head. Xavier moved towards Jess, he held out a note and she took it, as she pulled her hand back, Xavier grabbed her wrist and fidgeted in his pocket with his other hand. He pulled out a gold bracelet and placed it on Jess’s wrist, he turned it so that a red crystal showed.