

Jess just laid there. Sarah and Mike tried to talk to Jess, but she couldn’t hear them, she didn’t want to. All Jess wanted, was for it all to end. Each breath she inhaled and exhaled pained her. She just wanted to close her eyes and forget, forget about maya, forget about her father. She wanted to hit the restart button; she would give anything to forget about everything. Remembering was just too hard, it’s like trying to live in a dessert with only one bottle of water for days. In some way it was most likely do able, but not without struggle, not without hardship. Jess didn’t have the energy to give to the cause anymore. She wanted to be like one of those girls in the movies she barely got to watch. She wanted to have an overdramatic stupid fight with her loving parents, run away and meet the love of her life who helps her find herself and reunite with her parents and live a long worry free live. Maybe in her next life she could only be so lucky.