


As I neared the door to Willow’s room, I could sense her distress bleeding through the walls, driving my wolf and I insane with the urge to ease our mate’s anguish.

I burst through the door without a second thought, my wolf having taken the reins, and barreled towards the bed where I saw her panic-stricken eyes, brimmed with salty tears, unaware that I had even smashed my way into the room.

The tray of food that I had stopped in the kitchen for on my way in had thankfully survived somehow, though I shoved it into Ronnie’s arms as I rushed to my mate’s side.

I did the only thing it crossed my mind to do in that moment, I picked her up and sat her in my lap, wrapping my arms securely around her small frame, not even considering that she might not want me so near her this soon.