

Sophie Esinberg's POV

I swallow hard to hold back the tears. I knew I will see him, but I thought that I can face him. I thought that I was strong enough.

I planned on avoiding him, hopefully until the end but I think fate has something else in mind.

Justin snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, which brought me back to reality.

/"What do you want to drink?/" He asked me, as I look around. We were sitting in the bar.

Justin is a really good friend of mine. We met when I shifted to California. Justin lived across the hall and we went to the same college. Although he was studying Business Management and I was doing my majors in physics.

From then he's been always there for me. After I shifted to California Daniel used to come to see me on weekends.

Three of us use to hang out on weekends and sometimes on Monday Daniel would take his day off and stay with us.

Justin doesn't really know about Raymond. All that he knows is that I dated a douchebag in senior year, who broke my heart.

But it's half the truth. This is not completely true. Right?

Raymond did break my heart but what we had; I don't think it was a farce.

But then again Daniel always said to me that you don't know who has the facade mask on.

/"Nothing, thanks. I think I'll just go to my room and get some sleep. I'm tired. /" I replied while trying not to worry.

Justin's gaze pierced through mine as he studied my expression.

/"What?/" I asked trying to hide the pool of emotions building in my eyes.


I just started blinking a lot.

/"Are you fine?/" Justin asked still studying my expressions.

/"Yeah/" I mumbled convincing myself more than him.

/"Okay. I'll catch you later, I guess./" He replied with a concerned look on his face. By the way, he is looking at me I can guarantee that he knows something is wrong with me.

/"Yeah bye/" I replied and started walking towards the exit of the bar.

Justin asked me a couple of times if I knew that guy from the library or if he was pestering me. I just shrugged it and he'd let it go.

On the way up, I decide to take a look at the gym, I can run for half an hour or so and clear up my mind.

Though I was never the sporty type, I started running seven years ago, after

Raymond left me with a broken heart.

The first month, I didn't even think of leaving my room.

Thankfully my sister went to our grandparents over the holidays and my mom started working more so that she can collect some money for my college.

But then I got this scholarship which I didn't even apply to. I don't know who but someone sent my research work to them. I guessed him to be Noah because he was the only one who knew from where one can get it out from the head office of Amanda Corp.

I heard the doorbell downstairs but I didn't get up. I don't want to talk to anyone. I turn around, get into a comfortable position and closed my eyes to sleep a little longer.

A thud next to my head made my eyes shot open. As I looked up I saw Daniel with a shoe box which he threw on my side table. His eyes showed me anger, concern, and sadness.

Why sadness, I questioned myself.

But before I could make my mind clear to ask any questions he threw some clothes on my face.

/" Get up, you have five minutes to make yourself presentable./" With these words, he left my room.

Confused I decided to take a shower, maybe it helps with my stiff back.

After the bath, I took the clothes he gave me. He gave me yoga pants and a t-shirt. Well, I never really liked

sport, but I know if Daniel is determinate with something, I better man up and behave.

As I reached downstairs I found Daniel in the kitchen with a Smoothie in his hands.

/"Drink this, you will need it./" He didn't look me in the eye when he handed me the slimy looking drink. I gulp the thing down, in one go.

/" Let's go!/" He clapped his hands and left the kitchen.

/" Where?/" I ask walking behind him like a lost puppy. He takes the key and

opens the door for me.

/"To the park/" he answered casually. I kept on walking to his car, but he

took my hand and led me on the path.

/"We run!/" He exclaimed and started running. Totally confused I started to chase him.

I was panting hard, I couldn't even utter a word, I was sweating but the smell of fresh air and freshly cut grass with a hint of pine hit my nose.

/" Take a deep breath,/" Daniel said while I mirrored his gesture.

When we reached my house he gave me the key. /"Till tomorrow/" was the last thing he said and left. Back in my room, I realized, that any thought about Raymond never really crossed my mind this entire time I was running. I was tired but in a good way.

That's how I started running. Daniel came 5 or 6 times a week and we would go for a run and then u use to teach him. Which always reminded me of Raymond. His sarcastic comebacks. His cocky behavior. His Happy dance when he would get a trigonometric problem correct.

Walking through the door, I see only one person in the gym.

This guy was doing push-ups shirtless. His muscles flexed every time. On observing him closely I realized that man is Raymond himself. My eyes were already roaming all over his body. He has ....


He has eight pack abs. My brain stopped processing for a minute. I took a step back and being clumsy who I am I bump into something. As my butt hits the ground and then my back, a groan escaped my mouth.

When I looked down to see where my head contacted, I saw a wooden block on the ground. My head was throbbing in pain.

I came back to my senses as someone lift me off the ground. My heart picked up its speed and my nose took in his way too familiar scent.

/" Princess where does it hurts?/" I look up to be met with the only pair of blue eyes which could hold me captivated forever. I can't look away.

Fighting the urge to lay my head on his shoulder.

/"Hey hey... Cupcake let's get you to the doctor. Okay?/"

When he kissed my forehead, my survival sense kicked in and I jumped out of his arms and back on the floor, I crawl backward. Hurt is clearly visible in his eyes. He held out his hand to me but I stand up by myself.

/" Princess, are you-/"

/" No, no Stop pretending like you care. You lost that right seven years ago./" I'm panting, I just want to get out of here.

/" But prin-/" he Starts again, but I cut him off once again.

/"Stop, please just Stop,/" I shouted at the top of my lungs, tears were streaming down my face.

With a Deep breath, I turn around to leave the gym. At the door, I saw his reflection he had his head down and looked defeated. As I close the door I heard some noise, like a sob, when I looked back he was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands.

There was a part of me that still wanted to believe that he is innocent. He never used me, what he felt for me or what we had was not a delusion, not a farce. Yet over the years I’ve learnt the despicable way of life. Everything is a hoax. It’s just a trap, a trap for which everyone falls. Maybe because we want it so desperately and waiting for it for so long that all we can see are sunshine and rainbows. The glitters of the wild side blind us and we start chasing it, neglecting all that we already have. What we don’t know is the only thing waiting across that bridge is pain. Everyone falls for this hoax. So did I.

I was a loner. I should have accepted that fact. I was so blinded by the opportunity of being with Raymond that I never saw the farce behind it.