

Sophie Esinberg's POV

/" You've always used me. You are just a selfish bitch./" Dany huffed and I saw his cheeks turning red from the heat emanating from his body. Drops of sweat on his forehead. Even though I was standing at a good four feet distance I could smell it. I could smell alcohol. I knew he was drunk; too drunk to know what he is doing. /"You are supposed to be with me, not anyone else. Not him, not anyone. But you know what, if I can't have you, no one can./" With that Dany pulled out a pistol and pointed it at me. Square at my forehead. My breath quickens. Taking slow steps backward I tried to move away. Soon Dany realized what I was trying to do and I heard the sound of the trigger being pulled. I screamed and shut my eyes.

Then I jolted awake by a warm hard body. I look up and saw Ray. He was sleeping profoundly. The murmur of light snores escaping his mouth.

That's when I realized that I slept in Raymond's room last night.