

I was tired as the day came to an end. I had a hectic schedule today, after classes I had to do run some simulations for Mechatronics Team, and I had to do a lot of research regarding our physics project.

My head ached already .

It was 12:15 a.m. when I went to sleep.

As I hit the bed and was about to sleep I felt the vibrations of my phone, so I started fishing for it on the study table.

1 missed call from Raymond

1 message from Raymond

*Tap to read*

Hey princess!

Meet me in the corridor tomorrow. We need to fix a schedule for our physics project!

P.S - Goodnight. Sleep tight.

~ Raymond

I replied with

Alright, I'll see you there then!

I'm no princess.

P.S - Goodnight.

~ Sophie

My phone vibrated again.

1 message from Raymond

* Tap to read*

Good night princess. Sweet dreams and sleep well!



Next day as decided, I was going to meet him in the corridor. I was waiting for him, the bell rang and everyone went in their classes. I was still waiting for him even though I was getting late for my class.

Regardless of everything, I kept on waiting for him for next 10 minutes. I tried calling him but he wasn't picking up my calls.

Corridor was now empty, finally, I decided to drop him a message and go to my class.

After the class, I tried calling him again and searched for him in the cafeteria, I thought since most of the time his friends hang out there, he might be around. But I was wrong.

I even searched for him at the school's back door, which is usually a place where kids hide when they bunk, or smoke.


It has been three days since he messaged me, but he didn't show up at school for one single day. I called him a couple of times but he didn't answer any of them, neither the calls nor the messages.

Ohh god what a mess he is!

I heard a bunch of girls talking about Raymond going on a trip with Ellen and some of their friends.

Okay. Maybe he's with her. Maybe busy. Maybe fucking. I don't care.

At least he should pick up my calls or reply to the messages.

All I'm worried about is our project. Mine, in fact.


Next day I decided to go to Mr. Smulders for help. As I entered the room I saw a tall muscular boy standing while his back was facing me. His muscles flexed as he scratched the back of his neck.

No Sophie. This is not the time to drool after someone.

Mr. Smulders was talking with someone on the phone and gesturing the guy about something at the same time. Probably the person on the call was boy's father for some complaint, I guess. As Mr. Smulders voice became more and more clear I heard him saying

/"Sophie of course...who else it could be. Sure I'll see to it, alright sir. That won't be a problem/" And after that, he hung up.

/"Ahh, Sophie/" Mr. Smulders sighed, as I came to stand in front of him.

The boy was now standing next to me. As Mr. Smulders called out my name the boy turned to me.

I tried to act calm, and from my peripheral vision glanced at the hot g-



What the hell is he doing here?

Well, at least I found him.

I scowled at him and tried to glare at him.

Keyword being tried.

I notice that Raymond was trying hard not to laugh at me.

I scrunched my nose and tried to glare at him. Again.

And this time he burst into a fit of laughter.

Pompous head.

/"Sophie,/" said Mr. Smulders.

We both turned towards him, me with a tinge of anger on my face, while Raymond had this really cute boyish grin on his lips.

He looked adorable. He was smiling, his eyes gleaming like a little boy excited to open his Christmas present.

Wait, adorable?

He's nothing more than a spawn of Satan.

/"Sophie, can you please help Raymond with his assignments. He has not submitted any of them. Also, I want you to tutor him./" Mr. Smulders said in a very low and sweet voice.

No no no no no....

/"I..umm...I- I, okay,/" I said, but truth to be told I didn't want to teach him at all.

Like ever.

Never even in my dreams.

/"Good, Raymond you can talk to her about any other problem. Now you may leave/" Mr. Smulders said as he gestured us to leave, without even glancing at us and started doing some works on his laptop.

As we came out of his room Raymond turned towards me.

May I add, words were full of enthusiasm.

/"So let's start, princess./" He said and I could sense the excitement in his voice.

/"No-no-no. First you tell me where were you all these days? I had to start our project on my own. I had to work till one in the morning! /" I spat.

Although, I had a lot of patience in me and I hardly get angry, but this boy knows how to get under my skin.

/"I...ummm...I was busy/" He replied in a plain voice while his blue eyes were looking straight into mine.

Those eyes, oh god. I don't know but something happens to me when he looks at me like that.

Butterflies started fluttering in my stomach.

Or maybe I'm hungry.

You're still mad at him. Remember?

/"Raymond, I know this is a joke for you but my grades really do matter to me, a lot./"

/"It's Ray by the way /" He deadpanned.


/"Call me Ray./"

What is he saying? I am angry at him.

Ughhh god!

/"Raymond, just tell me this, do you want to help or not because I am perfectly capable of finishing the project on my own./" I said while anger flared into my senses.



/"No. I mean. I'll help./" Ray said, winking at me.

Can you believe it?

Winking at me.

Has he ever been serious?

Does he have some weird eye twitching problem?

I told him to meet me in the library after the third period. Something told me that this is the best way, as soon as I finish the course with him I'd be free and not to mention away from everyone's radar. Especially Ellen because everyone knows that when it comes to Raymond, Ellen is like a hawk.


As we were sitting in the Library , I was helping him with his physics assignment. I started reading a book while he was trying to do the question I taught him.

/"Princess, are you free on Saturday?/", asked Raymond, out of nowhere. His boyish smile played on his lips.

Those lips...

Get your shit together Soaf.

I almost said /"It's not like I have friends, you know?/", But I did not want to bore him with my recluse stories already.

Why would he be interested in knowing anything about my life anyway ?

/"Umm...Yeah/" I said, still suspicious.

Why does he want to know?

/"Great then, I'll pick you up at five. Be Ready?/", he said. Leaning towards the table a little, yet enough close to me that I could smell his cologne.

/"What...where?/", I asked.

/"Just be ready. I want to show you something./", he said as he looked at my bewildered face. He then continued- /"C'mon princess, relax its regarding our project. See you then? /" He turned on his heels and went out of the library leaving me flabbergasted.