

/"That is so not fair./" He said embittered.

/"I mean, this is total bullshit how she treated her./" He continued.

/"That girl looked so innocent. I actually assumed for a moment she was the goody two shoes and not the other way round./"

/"That is because you judged her on her appearance./" I pointed out.

/"Of course I did. That's what everyone does./" He defended himself.

/"Yes, it is. But you don't have to be everyone./"

/"What do you mean?/" He asked.

/"What I mean is, what everyone does when they see someone for the first time. They judge them. On what basis? On the basis of their appearance, their clothes or on what brand do they wear. But you know what? Appearances are deceptive./"

/"Oh really?/" Raymond chuckled.

/"Of course. Otherwise, there would be no robberies or crimes in this world./" I explained.

Raymond was about to question me again but the epiphany dawned on him and he stilled.