

Raymond Reynolds' POV

My plan is so screwed.


/"I-I...umm well/" God why is this so hard. I mean, I never choke not even when my parents scold me. This girl is really something. I can't even lie to her. Seriously man, look at her eyes. Who can lie to those innocent dark brown beautiful eyes?

At least I can't. But if I speak the truth my plan will be screwed.

I have to do something.

/"I what Raymond?/" Soaf asked, angrily.

/"Chase forced me to go there. He wanted me to meet someone./" I lied. Well practically not. I met this Daniel guy today which Chase told me he met yesterday at the party.

/"Someone. Right, I get it./" She mumbled taking a deep breath. Her eyes not looking at anything in particular. Her thoughts very distant.

Before I could speak anything else in my defence Soaf decided to speak again.