

/"What did I do now?/" I asked a bit nervously. Wait. Did I just say nervous? No, nothing in this world can make Raymond Reynolds nervous.

Or maybe this extremely beautiful girl standing right in front of me can.

Okay. I've already told you the fact that this girl makes me feel things, right? Well, I know that sounds really book-ish and creepy but I can't deny it. This girl makes me feel things. I've never been possessive about someone but every time I see her with that idiot Daniel. I want to rip him apart into pieces. I've never cared about any other girl (besides my mom) like I care for her. I've never wanted to cherish someone but with Soaf it's different.

Hatred. Love. Jealousy.Faith.

These were only some words for me which people use in daily life. But she made me feel them. I don't know how but that's the case.