

Raymond Reynolds' POV

I think I saw her there.

Last night at the party, or maybe that was an illusion. I don't know but most of the time I find myself thinking about Sophie. I know that sounds creepy but this isn't my fault at all!

We all think about stuff going on with us right?

And right now it's her. It's been almost only two weeks since I've got to know her. Like totally.

She's so vulnerable. Sometimes I wonder if it's only me or she behaves the same with everyone.

I didn't know her name two weeks ago. Although I have noticed her a few times earlier. I remember the first time I saw her. Jake and the rest of our group were bullying some nerd guy. That was when I first laid eyes on her. She tried to stop my friends but instead they bullied her too. I couldn't say anything.

I felt ashamed of myself. I could have helped her. I wanted to. But all I did was stand and watch them.