

Sophie Esinberg's POV

/"You've made friends here./" Dany chirped. I snapped my head in his direction his face showed annoyed expressions.

/"What do you mean?/" I asked.

/"That Raymond guy, he's schools badass isn't he?/"

/"Oh- Ray, yeah he is. We're just friends Dany, we don't hang out and stuff./" I replied. I did not understand why am I giving explanations to him? I mean all these years, he wasn't there with me. He probably didn't even know how antisocial my life is. He wasn't there when I use to sit alone in class or in the break time. I had no one then.

/"That I can see/" he replied sarcastically.

/"Anyways, there are two days left until the submission and I don't think after that Ray will even think about talking to me./" Though I don't want this to happen. All my senior school years I've been a loner and finally I found a friend, well I guess so, why would I lose him?