

Sophie Esinberg's POV

I swallow hard to hold back the tears. I knew I will see him, but I thought that I can face him. I thought that I was strong enough.

I planned on avoiding him, hopefully until the end but I think fate has something else in mind.

Justin snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, which brought me back to reality.

/"What do you want to drink?/" He asked me, as I look around. We were sitting in the bar.

Justin is a really good friend of mine. We met when I shifted to California. Justin lived across the hall and we went to the same college. Although he was studying Business Management and I was doing my majors in physics.

From then he's been always there for me. After I shifted to California Daniel used to come to see me on weekends.

Three of us use to hang out on weekends and sometimes on Monday Daniel would take his day off and stay with us.