

Ellen's POV

/" I am really sorry to disturb you Ellen, I hope you were not busy, it's really urgent./" Mr. Reynold's stated from across the line.

I glanced at the sleeping figure beside me. I saw him snuffling while sleeping. His features were soft. Well, he looks cute like this.


Did I just say that?

Scratch that. Don't blame me. I am not a whore or something. I just wanted a distraction. Seeing Ray and that bitch today in the canteen made me puke my guts.

Probably he needs distraction too.


/"Ellen?/" Mr. Reynolds's voice brought me back to the reality.

/", I am not busy Mr. Reynolds. /" I replied.

/"Good. So we have a problem here Ellen./" Mr. Reynolds said. It just made me nervous. I just hope there is not a problem with the plan. If the plan goes wrong Raymond will never be mine. That whore will never leave him.